As you drive into the

Grandma Nonaka

yard of the Nonaka farm

in Hanapepe Valley, you

feel like you've returned

to another time...the old

plantation house...the

weather-beaten shed...

turkeys and chickens

scratching in the dirt...

clothes drying in the

sunshine...the smell of

fresh turned earth and

a home cooked meal.

At the core of this scene, sitting under a sprawling mango tree is a small woman. As your eyes meet, her face lights up with a smile and suddenly you are standing before her. She hugs you and holds your arm insistently but gently and invites you to a walk in the fields and you are home...home with grandma.

Grandma arrived on Kaua'i with all her belongings in one suitcase.

Through time, she raised 10 children, survived tsunamis, World War 1 & 2, Statehood, and hurricanes. She has been a witness to the passing of a century of change and as her steps grow slower with thing has remained constant, her spirituality.

In ancient times, Hawaiians built heiau in the Lawai Valley only to be followed by

the Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese and Filipinos and their structures of worship. In this valley, are the remains of the prayers of all ethnicities and religions. And it is to this valley that for the past fifty years, grandma has continued their legacy.

Grandma's gift is to share this history, Hawaiiana, spirituality, and aloha with the world and the next century to come.

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