After the events riveting the world on September 11, 2001, a deep desire for unity and peace filled our hearts. In response, the Lawai International Center created a profound Day of Peace on October 21, 2001, wherein the community could honor and experience the sacredness of life by walking the path of the 88 shrines in silent meditation.

As we gathered together, the Japanese Taiko drum connected us all in the primordial heartbeat. After the blessing and prayer we began to walk single file along the sacred path with heartfelt reverence and prayer for all beings.

As we walked, the poignant music Grand Master Riley Lee's Shakuhachi flute filled our ears and hearts with a prayerful sound, echoing waves of love throughout the valley.

It was a moving day.

Grand Master Riley Lee on the path.
Grandma Nonaka
gives her blessing.

The walkers seen from above.
The divine flutist

The boy scouts on the trail they helped to restore and maintain.

The gathering on the platform

Taiko drums beat a resonate bass at our opening blessing.
A carved Buddha figure sits outside a shrine.

Mark lights the candles at the alter. Grandma Nonaka gives reverence.

Shrines on the hill
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©2001 Lawai International Center, Inc.